6 Tips For Moving With Small Children

Moving can be stressful enough, but when you add small children to the mix, it gets even more challenging. Small children add logistical, and even emotional, complexity to any move, but luckily there are things you can do to make your move go as smoothly as possible. Here are six tips for moving with small children:

Get them Excited Ahead of Time

If you're worried that moving will be difficult for your kids, it may be tempting to hide the news until the last minute, but this can backfire and make moving even scarier for them. Instead, begin talking up the move ahead of time to get your children gradually accustomed to the idea and even excited about it.

If you are simply moving to a different home in the same city, bring your kids along when you go to look at it and let them help pick out their bedrooms and explore the neighborhood. If you're moving out of state, show them pictures online of cool things to do in their new area.

Declutter Their Belongings

Kids tend to have a lot of stuff, making moving harder and more expensive. You don't need to get rid of their favorite things, but it's a good idea to declutter and get rid of old clothes, toys, and other items they're no longer using. If your child tends to get upset when they see you getting rid of their belongings, you may wish to do this while they are asleep or at school.

Hire a Babysitter

Don't be afraid to get help! A babysitter or even a trusted friend or family member can be a lifesaver during a move. Having a dedicated person keep your child entertained and comfortable means that you can focus on moving instead of on those minor kid crises that tend to crop up at the worst possible moment.

Hire Professional Movers

When moving with children, anything you can do to help streamline the process is worthwhile. Hiring movers instead of attempting to handle everything yourself will make your move more efficient, faster, and much less stressful, and that will only help your kids feel better about things.

Don't Ignore Emotional Aspect

Studies have shown that moving can be emotionally traumatic for children, especially if they move frequently. Luckily, there is a lot parents can do to counteract this. By keeping your own attitude about the move positive, your children will see it as more of an exciting adventure than a scary change.

Be sure to let your children talk about their feelings about moving, and validate any feelings of sadness or anxiety they feel without overly dwelling on them. Having a goodbye party for their friends and making plans to visit and otherwise keep in touch can also help a lot. Make sure your kids know they can video chat, call, and even send old-fashioned letters to their friends back home.

Include Treats and Surprises

Add a feeling of magic to the move by incorporating small treats and surprises. A small tote bag with delicious, but healthy snacks and a few new small toys and books can go a long way to distracting your kids on moving day and helping them to stay cheerful.

Once you get to the new place, and before you totally tackle unpacking, reward everyone with a fun pizza picnic in the front yard or a on blanket in the living room. If you are getting to your home before all your furniture gets there, why not surprise your kids with a living room sleepover or indoor camping?

Thanks to these tips, your move with small children will be a breeze. For more general moving tips, contact local movers

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This is Bobbi, and I want to tell you about the many ways you can solve your storage problems. Whether you have collectibles, furniture or just old treasures, I can help you find the perfect way to keep these items safe and clean until you are ready to use them again. Let me walk you through your options when it comes to keeping your old or not often used belongings in a place that is secure and accessible. I'll walk you through the decisions regarding placing your items in a climate controlled facility, a small storage facility or even a storage situation especially created for valuables.
